PUR glue gluing is on the rise. Upgrade your machine now.

You are still very satisfied with your edge banding machine? The quality of the edge in terms of clean post-processing leaves nothing to be desired? Is it just the change to a permanent invisible joint, waterproof and temperature-resistant, that makes you think about purchasing a replacement?
Extend the useful life of your edge banding machine with the Easy PUR gluing unit NOW.
The gluing unit EASY PUR has been consistently optimized in terms of adhesive and application technology for processing PUR hotmelts. The advantages at a glance:
- friendly in use - don't be afraid of PUR
- Low work on cleaning
- Low work on maintenance
- Appliable on nearly all established edge banders
- Flexible kit for different melting capacities
- Metering rod lock optionally
- Approx. 200 upgrades world wide
- PLUG an RUN – Upgrade to PUR hot melt application easily in practice with low work
- CE - prooved, with declaration of installation
Your benefit: with the Easy PUR gluing unit we offer you an effective retrofit for your existing edge banding machine.
We accompany you during installation, commissioning and training and show tips and tricks for easy everyday use.

The optional metering rod control via 2 pneumatic cylinders ensures regular application of the PUR adhesive. After each cutting cycle, the control closes and opens and thus immediately "flushes" the chips that have entered the panel.
When the feed is stopped the control closes automatically and immediately encapsulates the internal glue supply from external influences such as humidity.
The cleaning effort is limited to the outer visible part of the application unit.